Dr. John McCarthy
After receiving his undergraduate diploma from Thomas Aquinas College in 2011, John returned to his former high school Gregory the Great Academy to work as a teacher and head dorm father. In 2012, John came to Thomas More College to work in the Gregory the Great House of Studies Program where he reconnected with an old acquaintance, Aja, who is now his wife and mother of his children. John received his master’s degree in philosophy from Boston College in 2015, was awarded the Lonergan Fellowship in 2014 and 2015, and has received his doctorate with a dissertation on Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations in the fall of 2018.
As a teacher of Philosophy, Geometry, Astronomy, Ancient Languages, and Folk music, John’s intellectual pursuits are varied. John enjoys studying the great minds of science — Ptolemy, Kepler, Mendeleev, Newton, and Einstein—but also enjoys stargazing and reading scripture. John is a member of the New Hampshire Astronomical Society. As a student of the Church, John considers himself a disciple of St. Thomas Aquinas and therefore spends much time studying the great Greek philosopher, Aristotle. If you pass by John’s office, you may hear melodies of Stan Rogers or The Corries.