Lessons from the Carnage | Video and Audio

Lectures on what we might learn from the carnage of the 20th Century. These lectures took place on Monday, November 12, 2018.

Three lectures were presented. The first two lectures on in the first video, while the third is in the second.

In the first video, due to technical difficulties, the audio is low for the Robert Royal talk.

The title of the talks in the first video are:

  1. The witness of blood: Martyrs of the 20th century: Robert Royal, (president of the Faith & Reason Institute in Washington, DC)
  2. The witness of a poet and patriot: Joyce Kilmer 1:10:09  : Amy Fahey, (teaching fellow, Thomas More College)



The Third lecture is in the video below:

The witness of Solzhenitsyn by Professor Dan Mahoney.


*Skip forward one minute to hear Dr. Fahey’s talk.


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